James Bond

This exercise is something you have to have done once, because it is hard to explain on paper.

Everyone stands in a circle with player A in the middle. A points to someone and says “James Bond”. The person that was pointed at now has to portray James Bond by standing tough with a raised pistol, while their neighbours play the Bond-girls by putting one hand on James’ shoulder, raise a leg seductively and say “Oh James!”.

This all needs to happen while player A quickly counts to 5 (at first practice slowly). If the pointed at player does not succeed, the one making the mistake has to stand in the middle. Only saying “James Bond” will not work, so here are some more possibilities:

Toaster: the neighbours create a toaster slot using their arms and the ‘bread’ jumps up and down while shouting “ping”.

Citrus press: the neighbours create a Citrus press by holding their hands above the head of the person that was pointed at, who turns around like an orange and says ‘rrrrrrr’.

Viking longboat: The person that was pointed at is a brave viking who creates a viking helmet on their head using their hands, while the neighbours row the boat.

Kamikaze pilot: the neighbours create wings using their arms as the person that was pointed at becomes a pilot by creating flying glasses with their hands.

Kennedy: the neighbours draw guns and point them towards the person that was pointed at, they quickly duck as the neighbours shoot each other.

Thumper: the person that was pointed at makes their teeth look like hare teeth and mimes rabbit ears with their hands. The neighbours stamp their outer feet on the ground as they put their hands on the shoulders of the middle person.

Dog: similar to Thumper but now the middle person puts their hands in front of them (like paws) and pants like there is no tomorrow. The neighbours raise their outer legs and make urinating sounds.

Sea Cucumber: all three pout their lips and raise their eyebrows, stand on their toes and make a lotus-sign with their hands (thumb and index finger make an ‘o’ as the palms point upwards.)

Pro Deo: the middle person raises their arms as their neighbours put deodorant under the armpits while pinching their nose.

Palm tree: The middle person raises their arms like palm leaves, the other two form coconuts that hang from the armpits of the middle one.

Elephant: The middle one mimics the trunk of an elephant by grabbing their nose with one hand and putting their arm through the loop. The others form a big ear each.

Washing machine: The middle person bends over and turns their head, the outside players form a square.

Shower: Middle person washes themselves, the others are shower heads.

Holy angel: Middle person forms a halo, outside form wings

There are many more variations and with a bit of imagination the possibilities are endless.

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