Fruit basket

Technically not a theatre sports related exercise and therefore very well suited to youth groups that are not really into theatre sports and therefore have to get used to it slowly. All players take place on chairs in a circle. Every player gets one of three fruit types: Apple, Banana, and Kiwi fruit.

The leader stands in the middle of the circle and calls out a type of fruit, for example Banana.

At that point all the Bananas have to stand up and look for another spot. Practice this with all types of fruit and afterwards (as leader) also participate; Also go looking for an empty chair. This means there is always one chair too little and the person that can not find a chair has to stand in the middle of the circle and call out a type of fruit. You can also call out ‘Fruit basket’ after which everyone has to find a different spot.

Variation: do not call out types of fruit but call out things like: ‘I am wearing blue pants’ after which everyone wearing blue pants has to switch places, or ‘I have two sisters’, ‘I live in Amsterdam’, ‘I love chocolate’ or even ‘I have one nose’. You can also call out ‘1 left’ or ‘3 right’. Everyone then has to move.

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