Free improv

In principle (as the name suggests) nothing is set in stone in the free improvisation. Nevertheless players tend to give themselves some extra challenge by giving themself some focus points. The following challenges are used regularly:

With a change of status:

At the start of the scene a clear status difference is portrayed between the players. Through a logical reason this status difference has to reverse during the scene. Figuratively a helper becomes the boss and the boss becomes a helper. Multiple status changes are possible.

With rhyme (Rhyming game):

A free improvisation in which players have to rhyme on each other or themselves.

Variation 1: Player 1 says a sentence. Player 2 rhymes on that sentence and gives themself a new sentence. Player one then rhymes on that sentence. Etc.

Variation 2: Player 1 says two sentences, in which they rhyme on their own first sentence. Player 2 does the same

Variation 3: All combinations of rhyme are possible.

With animals (Animal game):

The four players ask for four animals at the start of the game. Features of those animals come back in the characters they play.

N.B. this can concern both physical features, as well as character traits that are associated with the animal: a lazy pig, a smart fox, a slow elephant.

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